Sunday, August 11, 2013

Graduation : Part 2

Part two, of Graduation day, memories. The 20 hour day, became 22hr day, hence the reason for Part 2. I shorted it last night or this morning actually so I could get some rest. My camera/phone as you can see in the picture above was set to 5M resolution, needless to say, big problem. My sister, after 12 hours is downloading the pics STILL, at least the 26 that I was able to edit down somewhat. I must say that I am not technically inclined. I have corrected the phone settings though.

We had a dilema with mom as we exited the Sundome and took some pics, she looks great above! You would never know 5 minutes later she was ready to collapse, just trying to get to the car, had to sit her down and wait for Help, which did come after about 10 minutes, got to the car, turned the a/c on it was 100 degrees yesterday! Changed from the big O2 tank to the portable and we then proceeeded to Christys' apartment for that quality time I mentioned before. Yes getting off campus was difficult, as was expected, but I am a patient man (most of the time), no biggie. Christy got a new appartment, and I hadn't been there yet so I was looking forward to seeing her studio apartment. This will be the first time since attending college that she has NO room-mates, nope not one, nada, just her, herself, and she,  hehehe.  Wwe finally arrive (she lives 3 miles from campus), took about 25 minutes, and Christy was hungry before we left. I knew she wanted to eat. While everyone was waiting on us to arrive, they had decided to have some barbeque, which Christy had mention while at school. Pretty sure she had a hankering for it. (Yes, I am a good ole boy, and right darn proud of it). As we pull up to the apartment, they say hey, no need to come "upstairs" first, let's go eat, then come back, so that my mom didn't have to go up twice.  Nope, we went up and my mom convinced everybody to have pizza, not a problem as most people like pizza, and all ate, we had plenty, even shared with the nieghbors, still with leftovers. Something college kids should be used to pizza, Christy likes it cold, yuk.

With eating done, and socializing handled as well, we opted to head north (Ocala), some last  minute pics, and hugs.   We're off, a slight problem getting back to the way we came, but handled that, went a different way, easy peasy. Make it to the interstate we did. Of course we now needed gas, and although we probably could have made it home, it was still an issue, we dealt with that about an hour later. I heard about it the whole time. By now the little one traveling with us, was car sick, yes car sick. My girls understand this all too well. My mom was driving, lol. We made it back home, delivered those where they needed be, and I immediately tried to upload my 40-50 pictures and videos.  After ten hours I gave up, yes I said 10 hours working on the pictures trying to get the one above for the first post and to send e-mail the family who couldnt be present. But hey you can see a part of the one above, and this too, is a good thing as it definitely makes for a memory of one very special day. Again, girls I love you and we'll do this again real soon.

I forgot to mention the 5 car pile up and the 2 car accident that slowed the ride home abit too.
I hope that all are okay.

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